Researcher, send author´s accepted manuscript to be deposited in the library:
Please, attach also publication information (title / number) to come.
If you are unsure of article version you are entitled to self-archive, send all versions to us. We will find out publishing policy and conditions. Additional information: different versions
Altmetrics services:
Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Remote access requires University user ID and password.
Photo: Joonas Vihanto
This guide is designed especially for Helsinki University researchers, but also for staff and students to help finding and using law-related resources in and outside the library.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions to improve the guide, please let us know, form is on feedback page.
Keenious a new type of search tool. Keenious Lib guide
EU Law live is available now!
Oxford Handbooks online updated
Arbeitsrecht Premium, a module in the Beck-online database is available in the University of Helsinki network. It contains German labour and social law. The module includes access to extensive commentary works, legislation and case law, journal articles (2022-), and news.
VPN: use the "uh-vpn-allroute" connection, with that you can access library's e-resources
EKS subject headings of the Parliament Library
Bank of Finnish terminology in Arts and Sciences
IATE Inter-Active Terminology for Europe
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Include your ORCID identifier in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. In the future, using ORCID will reduce the need to enter data into a variety of different systems.
The University hopes that every researcher registers for an ORCID ID for publications, datasets, and other research outputs.
Create an ORCID id or add an existing ORCID id in your TUHAT profile, see instructions .
ORCID and other IDs
Fabianinkatu 30 (P.O. Box 53)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
tel. +358-2941 23920