Law: Articles and Journals

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Directory of Open Access Journals

Journal Evaluation

All Law journals in highest ranking category "Jufo 3"

On the green font, the publishers with whom the Library has subscription agreements or other agreements that include open access publishing

  1. American journal of comparative law                          OUP
  2. American journal of international law                         American..
  3. Applied energy                                                                 Elsevier
  4. British journal of criminology                                        OUP
  5. Cambridge law journal                                                   CUP
  6. Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies        Hart
  7. Columbia law review                                                       Columbia
  8. Common market law review                                          Wolters Kluwer
  9. Criminology                                                                       John Wiley
  10. European business law review                                       Kluwer Law int
  11. European constitutional law review                              CUP
  12. European journal of international law                          OUP
  13. European law journal                                                       Wiley-Blackwell
  14. European law review                                                        Sweet & Maxwell
  15. Fish and fisheries                                                               Wiley-Blackwell
  16. Forest ecology and management                                   Elsevier
  17. Global environmental change                                         Elsevier
  18. Global environmental politics                                         MIT
  19. Harvard international law journal                                  Harvard
  20. Harvard law review                                                           Harvard
  21. Icon: international journal of constitutional law         OUP
  22. IIC (Intern. rev. of intel. prop. & comp. law)                 Springer
  23. International and comparative law quarterly              CUP
  24. International journal of refugee law                             OUP
  25. International organization                                              MIT
  26. International review of law and economics                Elsevier
  27. International security                                                      MIT
  28. International theory                                                        CUP
  29. Journal of arts management, law, and society           T&F
  30. Jour. of environm. economics & management          Academic press
  31. Journal of environmental law                                       OUP
  32. Journal of European social policy                                 SAGE
  33. Journal of international economic law                        OUP
  34. Journal of law and society                                             Wiley-Blackwell
  35. Journal of private international law                             T&F
  36. Journal of quantitative criminology                             Springer
  37. Journal of research in crime and delinquency           SAGE
  38. Journal of social policy                                                   CUP
  39. Justice quarterly                                                              T&F
  40. Landscape and urban planning                                     Elsevier
  41. Law and philosophy                                                        Springer
  42. Law & society review                                                      CUP
  43. Legal theory                                                                      CUP
  44. Maastricht journal of Eur. & comparative law           SAGE
  45. Nature sustainability                                                      Macmillan
  46. Oxford journal of legal studies                                     OUP
  47. Policy studies journal                                                     John Wiley
  48. Ratio juris                                                                         Wiley-Blackwell
  49. Regulation and governance                                          Wiley-Blackwell
  50. Stanford law review                                                       School of law Stanford
  51. Studia islamica                                                                Brill
  52. The modern law review                                                Wiley-Blackwell
  53. Theoretical criminology                                                 SAGE
  54. Transnational environmental law                                 CUP
  55. World tax journal                                                            IBFD
  56. Yale law journal                                                               Yale Law journal co.

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