Research information system Tuhat: Add and edit content

Guidelines for reporting and using research information for the research portal, the university website, and annual research reporting.

Re-authenticate your ORCID ID

Please make sure that the transfer of your data from Tuhat to the ORCID service will continue to work by confirming your ID.

If, after logging in to Tuhat, you see a notification on a yellow background next to your ORCID ID that re-authentication is required, click "Re-authenticate" and in the new window give permission to read and export data.

If the yellow notification is not displayed, or you have not connected an ORCID ID to your Tuhat profile, there is no need to re-authenticate. ORCID

Tuhat customer support


Do you need help with the system? Please contact Tuhat-info (Helsinki University Library)

Links to Tuhat information submission and portal

Maintenance break

Maintenance break: there is maintenance work on Tuhat server every month, second Thursday, between 9 a.m. - 3.p.m.

Usually this means a 15-30 minute break at noon

Log in

  • Login to Tuhat submission forms with UH username and password (main rule) login here. 
    • If your user name to Tuhat is your email address, please login here.
  • If you don't have access to Tuhat or have problems with login
    • Please contact tuhat-info @ or read about  how person profiles are created to Tuhat here.
    • Find out if you UH access is valid through this self-service.

Person profile, user access and sharing your information

  • Person information sources are personnel system, payroll system and student registry.
  • A Tuhat person profile is automatically created for researchers and other personnel. Person should have: 
    1. UH email address and active UH user account, and 
    2. Active affiliation to UH: 
      • Personnel contract (all personnel groups). 
      • Other contract: professor contracts, docent contracts, visiting scholars and grant scholar contracts, or has Title of Docent
      • Is doctoral student; has registered as attending, absent or has graduated.
  • Person information is populated with following information
    • First name, last name
    • Organisation  name, start/end dates, title, personnel group, email address, phone number
      • For personnel, organisation is payroll unit
      • For other contract types, organisation is contract unit
      • For doctoral student, organisation is doctoral program
  • User privileges (access rights) are created for persons (person profile)
    • Please note that hourly paid teachers employment contract is not sufficient for user access.
    • Personal user can modify their own person information and add publication and other information.
    • Unit level user privileges can be assigned to users who need this access for their work duties. 
  • User account is UH account (main rule)
    • Please check if your user account is currently valid here (link goes to IT help info)
    • If you use other user account, please login here (link goes to special login page)
    • Problems with login, please contact Tuhat customer service. 
  • Affiliations with research communities and groups
    • Are maintained in Tuhat by either organisation itself or Tuhat customer service.
    • Please read more about creating a research organisation to Tuhat and how the data is maintained  here (link down on this page)
  • HUS and other HYKS erva researchers
    • UH Library creates person profiles for HUS and other HYKS ERVA affiliated researchers during publication reporting, but by default persons are granted access to Tuhat. If a researcher wants to enable publication synchronisation to ORCID (Orcid.orgguide), or otherwise modify his/her profile, he or she can apply access with this form. UH Library imports all hospital publications from WOS, therefore making it optional to modify person profile. 
  • Research portal person page requires active affiliation in Tuhat
    • Tuhat automatically publishes profiles for following groups: 
      • Research and teaching personnel
      • Professor contracts, docent contracts, visiting scholars and grant scholar contracts, and Title of docent
      • HUS and other HYKS ERVA researchers
    • Other persons publish profiles themselves
    • Guide on research portal is here (link goes to another place on this page)
  • Sharing Tuhat person information with other services
    • Following person information are automatically transferred to other services
      • Person's field of science for annual personnel reporting for Ministry of Education and Culture and UH people finder.
      • Affiliation to research community type organisations for UH people finder and 
    • Following information is shared on person's permission:
      • Organisation, publication, activities and ORCID ID to
  • For information on Data protection, please go here (link to UH data protection page, scroll to Processing of researchers' and professionals personal data.

Annual reporting on research

  • Unviversity creates statistics and reports for its own use and for annual reporting for Ministry of Education and culture.
  • Annual reporting requirements and performance indicators are explained at the University of Helsinki Intranet.
  • Here are some videos on how annual reserch reporting can be done in Tuhat:
    • Annual research reporting in Tuhat. Youtube
    • How to filter publications that are missing a file.  Unitube (1min 14s)
    • How to add fields of science and free keywords: Unitube (1min 32s)
    • How to self-archive publications to Tuhat. Unitube (5min 40s)
  • And here are some written instructions on how to add information for annual reporting: 
  • Reported data will be available in these services.

Research portal

  • Research portal publishes information submitted to Tuhat and has visibility=public
    • Research portal is available at
    • Portal shows public Tuhat information - Tuhat content that have visibility=public.
    • Any person who is linked to specific content and has Tuhat access, can modify content visibility. 
    • Information saved to Tuhat is normally uploaded to portal within minutes. 
    • UH people finder picks publication, projects and activities from research portal. (This will change soon to use Tuhat API as source) 
    • additionally picks information for organisation, project or research infrastructure pages. 
  • Person profile in portal
    • Profile is created automatically to current persons. Person's profile also shows other Tuhat content related to person. 
    • You can pick which organisation to show on your profile. 
      • Open person form in Tuhat, go to subsheet Person profile and select organisations. 
    • Person description (top part of the page)
      • Please see the picture on right what you can modify
      • Open person form in Tuhat. On the main page (sheet Metadata) you can modify following portal information:
        • Change name, add in Name variants, select Known as name.  (guide) 
        • Add Title (guide)
        • Add profile photo
        • Add link 
        • Add ORCID and other researcher identifiers. (guide)
        • Link to CV comes from published CV that is created with CV tool. (guide
        • Add descriptions. (guide)
        • Add qualifications and education information (guide).
        • Change visibility.  (guide)
    • Street map is automatically created from contact information.
    • World map shows project and publication collaborations from past five years. 
      • Map can be excluded
      • Edit profile -> Portal profile -> Show Collaboration Map on profile: Off.
      • Quickest way to add collaborations is to add them to projects. 
    • Bar chart is automatic and it shows time period and volume of publications and projects.
  • Projects in portal
    • A project is shown in the portal when its Visibility=Public. 
    • As of Aug 8, 2022 new competitive research funding projects with funding information are automatically shown in the portal.  
    • To show both project and funding, Award need to be linked to a project and both project and award need to have Visibility = Public. 
    • To learn how to manage your projects to portal, please go here (link goes lower on this page)

Edit Personal Profile in Tuhat

Edit your personal information on CV, research portal and reporting

Submission form for personal information

  • After login, please click Edit profile (pic 1). 
    Click Edit profile link to start editing your profile
  • This opens personal information form (pic 2) - to save changes, please press "Save". 
    Click Edit profile to open person template:
  • Please remember to click Save at the form button to commit your changes to Tuhat database and upload them to research portal.

Person information

  • Name: Official name of the person is synchronized from HR system. These can not be modified in Tuhat. Please see next bullett. 
  • Name variants: If you wish to use another name in Tuhat,
    • click "Add name variant..." 
    • Select type
      • Default publishing name = system uses this name in all content related to person, e.g. publications, activities, projects. 
      • Former name = Any former name you have been known by, not visible in the portal.
      • Known as name = Name in new portal.
    • Add First name and Last name, clik Apply.
  • Titles: This title information you can submit yourself and they are shown right below your name. Your university title will be visible with your affiliation information. Title classification is:
    • Postnominal title. This is shown in the portal after your name. 
    • Title. General title type, most commonly used.
    • Designation.
    • Honorary title.
      (Previously this section had synchronized information on Education and career phase. This synchronized information has been removed, but any data submitted by yourself still remains. Education should be moved to new section Education /Qualification).
  • ID: Here sre automatically synchronised your University HR number  and student number if applicable. You may add following ID's yourself: 
    • Scopus Author ID
    • Researcher ID (ISI Web of Knowledge henkilötunniste)
    • Mendeley ID
    • bepressID (Digital commons)
  • ORCID ORCID is international open researcher identifier. Read more at or watch these videos.
    • University encourages researchers to register for an ORCID and to use it in all web presence, including grant and manuscript submissions, blogs, homepages etc. 
    • ORCID is also a research portal that can collect your scientific activities from various sources.
    • In Tuhat, you have two options regarding ORCID:
      • A) To authorise your data to be weekly exported from Tuhat to ORCID, integrate your Tuhat and ORCID profiles. 
        • Following content will exported from Tuhat to ORCID:
          • Institutional organizational affiliation.
          • Other personal identifiers (e.g. Scopus author ID, Researcher ID).
          • Your Pure portal URL.
          • Your publications, where:
            • the visibility of the record is 'Public - No restriction.'
            • the workflow status is 'Approved'. or 'For re-validation'
        • please follow this procedure to connect your Tuhat and ORCID profiles. Please note that you need to do this procedure yourself due to data protection regulations. Also read here, how ORCID will then support the visibility of you and your work. Follow instructions on the screen. 
          • Open your profile with the link Edit profile.
          • Click Create or connect your ORCID.
          • Form ask for permission to read data from ORCID and to export data to ORCID. It takes you to where you can create a new ORCID ID or link a previously added Tuhat ORCID ID.
          • When you give permission to export data to ORCID, you allow UH to synchronize your data to ORCID.
          • You are now back at your Tuhat profile page, do remember to press Save!
            • After pressing Save button, you can open your profile and verify that the ORCID number is there. It will also be visible on your portal page.
      • B) If you don't want to export your Tuhat content to ORCID but want to inform University of Helsinki of your ORCID ID and show it in the portal, please do the following: 
        • Create ORCID-ID directly at
        • Copy paste this ID to your email and send it to Tuhat-info for submission. This submission does not activate the content export.
  • Consent to transfer personal data  from Tuhat to national research hub
    • I want to transfer my personal information to national research information hub (Privacy policy:
    • Submit your research via
      • True= If you also have ORCID id, this selection is consent to transfer your personal information to national research information hub where you can
        • log in
        • publish your profile at
        • select the information that appears on your profile.
      • False = This selection revokes your consent. This will trick a delete process where your personal data will be erased from the national hub. Please note that even after your personal data has been deleted from the hub,  author name will remain on publications and research data.
      • Not set = you have not given consent or revoked it. 
    • Following information will be transferred 
      • ORCID (mandatory); person’s unique identifier in Tuhat
      • Last name (mandatory); Full name; Known by name.
      • Research description text (FI, SV, EN); As keywords Fields of Science (Min. of Education and Culture classification; FI, SV, EN) ja and free keywords. 
      • Name of the faculty or independent institute (FI, SV, EN) and affiliation period; Doctoral program if applicable (EN); name and description of the research group or community if applicable  (FI, SV, EN)
    • Activities are transferred later. There is a problem with activity type mapping we need to figure out. 
    • More information:
  • Portrait: Click Add file to add your portrait. Choose Portrait as the image category.
  • Links: In the portal, links are shown as icons below your portrait. Use link type to use specific icons for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Curriculum vitae and description of research and teaching

    • Texts should be easy to read from desktop or mobile device, so please keep them short and neat. There is text editor, so you can use bold, italics and add  links to external content, e.g. your CV.
    • There are three different texts that can be published in the portal. Please select title for your text: 
      • Description of research and teaching.
      • Education information.
      • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Organisational affiliations at the University of Helsinki
    • Affiliation information is mainly synchronized from other University systems, these are marked with . If this information is incorrect, please contact your personnel office or student registry.
    • Tuhat customer service handles affiliations that are marked with . If this information needs correcting, please contact customer support.
  • External affiliations
    • Add external organisation: search catalog or add a new external organisation (please only use organisation top level information, e.g. University of NN, don't use sub units).
    • Add title, start date and end date.
    • Fields of Science are reported to the Ministry of Education and Culture. Reported information is available at this national reporting service and in the State of scientific research in Finland.
    • Add new field, select as accurate field as possible (use 3 or 4 numbered codes; if there is a code with 4 numbers, please use it).
    • Add free keywords to provide more specific information.
  • Education /qualification
    • Education together with professional and other qualifications are added here.
    • This form also shows the Principal investigator information (organisation, period) if applicable. (In the picture, this person lacks information on Principal Investigator organisation and period, and therefore has no PI position)


  • Visibility opens or closes person profile in the research portal. By default all profiles are open - Visibility = Public. Person can modify thsi setting. Please note that only persons with active affiliations are shown in the portal.
    • Public - No restriction = Person profile is open to Internet if person also has active affiliation.
    • UH network = Currently not applicable. This option was used in previous portal.
    • Backend - Restricted to Pure users = Not visibile.


Always save your editing.

Reporting for Ministry of Education and Culture and the University:

  • Fields of Science: Ministry of Education collects Fields of Science information on all research and teaching staff -> Edit profile -> Fields of Science
  • ORCID ID: is open researcher identifier and it enables linking research information across platforms. University of Helsinki follows ORCID-ID's to monitor open science ->  Edit profile -> ORCID ID.

Add Projects and link to Awards

General information

  • Projects describe your research. Projects can be used to present long or short term projects, they can have hierarchy and be related to each other. 
  • Persons can link their own projects, projects they are linked to


  • If your project is a duplicate -  there are two versions of the same project - please contact Tuhat-info to have these duplicates merged.
  • Merge will keep your original data but adds wbs code and funding information. 

Research project integration from financial system SAP Fiori Proha

  • Research projects and awards in the financial system are automatically imported to Tuhat.
    • Main wbs and its sub wbs' are imported together as one project.
    • Please read more about the data processing from library wiki (login for UH users)
    • In Tuhat, funding information  is stored in the Funding module. read more here
  • Transferred data
    • Name: for Academy of Finland and EU funded projects name comes from the funding decision, for other projects Proha name is used.
    • Project period: Same as in Proha, can not be modifued
    • Project persons: project manager and persons who have allocated working time. 
      • Persons are listed per role and last name
      • By default person's period is the same as project period. Person's period can be modified
    • Project unit: same as the financial unit. Other units and research organisationsa can be added. 
    • Project visibility:Projects and automatically visible in the portal and thus published to UH people finder and websites.   ​​​​​​​
    • If your externally funded project is missing from Tuhat, please contact
  • In Tuhat, you can add and modify information, e.g. title or description. You can  link projects  to other Tuhat content types (publications, research infrastructure) and add other persons, and modify person's period in the project. 
  • You can also add projects manually if you would like to combine your project to a parent project or define a sub-project. 

Center of Excellence

Modify existing project

  • Select project from project list. You can use filters to limit project list. Click this icon on top of project list view
  • Open project and then switch to editing layout by clicking the pen icon in the top left corner
  • See editing instructions below:

Submit project manually

  • You can add projects manually. If your project is a UH financial project and is missing from Tuhat, please contact your financial service and ask them to add that project to Tuhat synchronisation (there is  a box for that in Proha).
  • Click the green button
  • From the lef hand panel, select Project -> "Research project" or "Other project"  (other types are used for synchronised content only)
  • Add name and write description, add period, identifiers, units, persons and other information.
  • Relations to other Tuhat content can be created. 
    • Awards (funding).
      • If a UH managed funding is missing from Tuhat,  please ask you financial coordinator to add that wbs to Tuhat transfer. If funding  is not managed by UH, you can add that manually to Awards module.  
    • Projects (From project to project) 
      • You can relate one project to one or more projects. 
      • If your public project list seems difficult to read since the new import automatically creates each competitive funding  as a project to you public profile, you can make it better by creating manually a parent project. Create a research project to Tuhat and then link multiple funded projects to that one. Publish that parent project to portal and select it as highlighted content in your person profile.
      • Some major fundings e.g SRC funding (STN in Finnish) decisions are at UH managed as one financial project but in real life there are more projects than just one. Keep the funded project as a parent project and add you real life STN project as a sub-project and publish that one as  highlighted content in your person profile. 
    • Publications
      • Major research funders currently require funded publications to be immediately openly available, saved to repository, including metadata on the publication funder. For University of Helsinki publications this requirement is met if publication pdf is submitted to UH digital repository via Tuhat and there is a relation between project and publication. Then project, related funding information, publication and its pdf are all transferred to UH digital repository and thus fulfill funders' requirements. 
        • Read more about the funders' requirements here. ( Link to PlanS pages)
    • Activities
    • Prizes
    • Press/Media
    • Impact
    • Data sets
    • Research infrastructures. 
  • Keywords. First select Field of Science and then add free keywords. Please see instructions here
  • Visibility. This manages project visibility in research portal. 
  • Save!

Awards (grants, research funding)

  • Your UH managed competitive funding is automatically transferred from SAP Fiori Proha to Tuhat projects module and funder specific information is transferred to Awards module.  
    • Transferred funder name, funding amount and funding programme information is automatically published to researchportal as a additional information on a project page. To exclude funding from portal, please change funding visibility = Backend.
    • Save!
  • You can add you externally managed fundings to Tuhat. These fundings should be managed by other university of research organisations. 

Add publication

General information:

  • National publication data collection instructions for researchers are available here, classification types here (in Finnish only)
    • NOTE: At the end of the instructions, you’ll find the list of fields that are mandatory for publication types A-, B and C; e.g.,
      • field of science
      • ISBN or ISSN number .
  • All publications can be added to Tuhat. All types of publications with any affiliation are welcome. 
  • Only publications created at the University of Helsinki are linked to University's internal organisations, other publications get external affiliations.
  • The library validates all UH publications for the last two years. A publication can also be accepted in the register even before the final bibliographic data have been received (“online first” publications) if the publication has a DOI (=Digital Object Identifier).

  • Publications are self-archived into University’s publication archive to ensure long-term access. Submission instructions are below.  
    • More information on self-archiving is available here.
    • University's Principles of Open Publishing are available here.
Create a form for publication by selecting publication type.  Templates are type-specific, please see article template here
  • Click the green button, top right corner, select Publications  in the left panel: 
  • Select the method to create a template for your publication:
    • Create from template is for manual submission ->  Select publication type -> A template opens.
    • Import from online source -> Select import source -> Search and select publication -> Import -> A template opens
    • Import from file -> Select import source -> search and select publication ->  import -> A template opens
Add meta data. Please go through the form and provide as much information as possible. 
  • Publication type.  During template creation (above) you have selected general publication type. To further define the Ministry of Education publication type;
    • please select "Scientific", "Professional" or "General" and then 
    • "Peer-reviewed" or "Not peer-reviewed".
    • The latter option is available only for Scientific Publications. System will then select correct Ministry of Education type. See the full publication type mapping here (-> national instructions for researchers).
  • Publication status
  • Publication information
  • Contributors and affiliations: Add all authors.
    • Internal UH authors with affiliations. This information is used for UH research evaluations, reporting, statistics and websites. For national reporting organisations are aggregated to faculty level.  
    • External organisations and authors with country information. This data is used for international and private company collaboration classifications for the Ministry of Education reporting.
  • Publication managed by: this sets workflow access in Tuhat, does not affect publication points within UH
  • Publisher / Journal / Series
  • Open Access and other electronic versions; files and links By art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, and JakobVoss ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
    • Publication is openly available if it can be accessed without login or other dedicated access.
      • Publication is self-archived or 
      • Publication has an open link
    • Open access information can be submitted using these methods: 
      • Add file:
        • To ensure long-term open access all UH publications are self-archived to University's Open Repository. Please read more information about self-archiving, lisences and document versions here. (Link goes to UH open access guide)
      • Add DOI of an electronic version.  DOI = Digital object identifier.
        • DOI helps in linking you and your publication with other services, e.g.
      • And/or further Add link to an electronic version. Please add here: 
        • Permanent identifiers (URN, handle). These are accepted in national reporting.
        • Other links here.
      • Please add this information to all above-mentioned electronic versions (file, DOI, link):
        • Document version.
        • Access to electronic versions (Open, Embargoed).
        • License (read more info on licensing here
  • Keywords -> FIELDS OF SCIENCE
    • Chooset as specific fields as possible.
    • Ministry of Education and Academy of Finland use field of science for university comparisons.
  • Notes
  • Relations to other content types
  • Visibility: This sets publkication visibility for research portal: 
    • Public - No restriction, e.g. website/portal.
    • [UH Network, currently not applicable, do not use].
    • Backend - Restricted to Pure users,only visible when logged in to PURE.
    • Confidential - Restricted to associated users and editors, only visible for persons associated with the content and also administrators. N.B.! Publications marked as confidential are not included in reporting.
  • Status: In the bottom bar, please select "For approval" to put your publication to validation process (library). To keep this publication at your personal use, please select “Entry in progress”.
  •  Save! To commit your submission

Add activities

General information

  • Other scientific output and interaction with the society are submitted as activities. Press/Media information is submitted to Press/Media module.
  • It is recommended to keep activities updated regularly.
  • Only activities from the time spent at the University of Helsinki can be submitted.
  • Visits that last 5 days or longer are reported to Ministry of Education and Culture (see below more information)

Reporting visits and hosted visits 

  • Visits  and hosted visits only include research or teaching visits to and from  foreign universities, universities, research organizations and art organisations. Companies are included.
  • Participation in a conference is not counted as a visit. 
  • Information is collected per visit.
  • One person can have multiple visits per calendar year.
  • The visit is reported the year it started.
  • Travel days are included.
  • Visiting an external institution
    • To add "Visiting an external institution". Click the green button, top right corner.
    • Select Activities –> visiting an external institution –> Academic visit. A template opens
    • Add visited organisation and its country: Create new organisation (preferred) or use the Search (this data is not curated). Only use the top level name (e.g. University of Oxford), no subunits.
    • Add duration: start and end data. Use Period of Time -field (see the red box in the template picture).  Visits 5 days or longer and by research or teaching staff are included in the Ministry of Education and Culture annual statistics. The  length is calculated using both Visit start date and End date.
    • Add other data
    • Save!
  • Hosting a visitor
    • Click the green button, top right corner. 
    • Select Activities –> Hosting a visitor –> Academic visit. A template opens
    • Hosting a visitor information. Add name or initials of the  visitor, visitor's home organisation and country. Create new person and organisation (preferred) or use the Search (this data is not curated).
    • Add other data, period of visit
    • Save!

Activities classification in Tuhat

Classifications marked with an asterisk* are "Societal impact".

  • Publication peer-review and editorial work
    • Editor of research journal
    • Editor of research anthology/collection/conference proceedings
    • Peer review of manuscripts
    • Editor of communication journal*
    • Editor of series
    • Editor of special theme
  • Participating in or organising an event
    • Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
    • Public Talks (will be moved to Talk or prentation)
  • Talk or presentation
    • Invited talk*
    • Oral presentation
  • Consultancy
    • Consultancy
  • Membership
    • Assessment of candidates for academic posts
    • Membership or other role in review committee*
    • Membership or other role in research network
    • Membership or other role in national/international committee, council, board*
    • Membership or other role in public Finnish or international organization*
    • Membership or other role of body in private company/organisation*
    • Other tasks of an expert in private sector*
  • Visiting an external institution
  • Hosting a visitor
  • Examination
    • Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
    • Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
    • Member of doctoral thesis committee / follow-up group
    • Pre-examiner of doctoral thesis
    • Opponent of doctoral dissertation
    • Director of doctoral programme
    • Assistant director of or other significant role in doctoral programme
    • Post doctoral mentor
  • Other
    • Other
    • External teaching and subject coordination

Add Press/Media

  • Press/media module captures mentions of you in Press and Media.
  • Mentions can be bundled together as a theme or story (e.g. all mentions of one scientific article are collected to one theme)).
  • Information can be submitted manually or synchronized from NewsFlo using your Scopus Author ID (add Scopus Author ID to your personal information).
  • To add Press/Media manually:
    • Click the green button
    • Select Press/Media
    • Add Title, Description
    • In Details of Media Contribution and Media Coverage you can add one or more mentions of same theme/story. Here you also provide dates and link your colleagues. 
    • Add relations to other Tuhat content and fill in the rest of the fields. 
    • Set Visibility
    • Save!

Add impact

  • Impact definition is available in the Academy of Finland guidelines concerning impact beyond academia.
  • Impact is currently only used by the University in the reporting of three-year research grants. Read more here (Link to page "Use content") 
  • Research impact is described using narrative text and classifications. Impact is then linked to publications, projects, datasets, research infrastructures etc. 
    • To add impact, click the green button
    • Select impact
    • Add impact information.
    • Add relations to  publications, projects, datasets, research infrastructures etc.
    • Set visibility
    • Save!

Create CV with Tuhat data

This box contains instructions on how you can create a CV with the CV tool which uses your data that is already in the TUHAT system. The other possibility is to add your CV as text (see instructions here).

You can create many CV documents. 

  • Click green button , select Curriculum Vitae -> Select CV type:
    • Public CV is published on your portal overview page. You can set your CV to be automatically updated with new data (dynamic CV). CV can also be static, unchanged.
    • Private CV is for your own use. Also this CV can be dynamic or static.
    • Highlighted CV picks data to your portal overview page: With this CV type you can select which publications, projects and activities are shown on your personal overview page. By default the system shows last submitted data

Apply for Principal Investigator Status

General information

A principal investigator at the University of Helsinki is typically a person who:

  • Steers and leads research independently.
  • Has completed an applicable doctoral degree and is qualified as an independent researcher.
  • Has access to the necessary resources (facilities, funding, equipment) for independent research.
  • Supervises doctoral students and/or mentors post-doctoral researchers as well as (in applicable research fields) leads a research group, and
  • Is placed on the third or fourth level in the hierarchy of research positions.

The usage of Principal investigator status varies between faculties and independent institutes. Some noted ad advantages are:

  • To target support actions (equipment funding, research program applications) and services (research group web pages)
  • To share information and create networking opportunities internally and internationally
  • To unite all UH affiliated PI's regardless of contract status with the University, e.g. University hospital researchers can apply for PI status at UH.
  • To give research-based structure to UH researcher pool.  

It has been noted that even though the preliminary idea in 2009 was to use same criteria accross faculties and independent institutes, there are discrepancies in the implementations. Currently this concept is most actively used in research group environments. 

Principal investigator application

To apply for Principal Investigator status, please do the following:

  • Click "Edit profile".
  • Go to tab "Principal Investigator".
    • Tick box that says "I would like to submit....". Select organisation.
    • Write application.
  • Click Save.

This application is then evaluated according to your Faculty policy and the decision is submitted to Tuhat. This process is managed by research administration advisors, see link below.

The decision can be viewed in your person profile,

  • Click "Edit profile".
  • Scroll down the form and view "Qualifications".

Add Research Group/Community

Research groups and other research communities can be created to Tuhat as organisations. Research group leader should be a Principal Investigator at the University of Helsinki. Creation of research groups in the research information system increases web visibility and enables reporting: research group members and their content (publications, projects, activities) are linked to the group which then enables visibility services and reporting. 

Add group

Please send an email to with the following information. Also note that with this email you commit to keep the research group information up to date, including the person list. 


Subject of the email: Name of the research group

Body of the email: 

  • Research group name:
  • Research group start date (This will also be the earliest date research group members can be linked to the group. Also publications, projects and activities are only linked after this date). : 
  • Parent organisation at the University of Helsinki (lower than the faculty level):
  • Email address and name of the research group leader:
  • Email address of the person updating research group members list:
  • Email address and start date of research group members. Also alumni members can be added, please then add end date. Only persons with a profile at the research information system can be added:


Library will then create the group with research group members and their related content (publications, projects and activities). This will take some weeks. 

Once the group is created

  • Login to  and navigate to Master data -> Organisations. Open organisation template.
  • Add description and link. Also other information can be added. 
  • To view related content, go to subsheet Relations, check linked data. If incorrect, please contact tuhat-info. Future data is automatically linked to the group during data submission process. 

Maintain group data

  • New memebrs will be added by Please create a new email (new service ticket) with group name, email address of new person and start date. 
  • Add end dates to alumni members. (You you can do this by yourself).

Homepage with Drupal

Research group will automatically get a web page in the research portal. Separate more visual web pages can be created with the University's Drupal publishing tool, please read more here.

Research units on University's People Finder 

Some of the university's research organizations can be found in the unit list of the university's person search, and information about the affiliation can also be seen on the person's page. If it is necessary to get your community on this list, please contact

Modify organisation

Research groups and other research community organisations are created in Tuhat, see instructions above. Othewise the organisation hierarchy is the same as in University's organisation registry.

Organisation editors can modify following information in Tuhat. Log in to Tuhat -> Go to Master data -> Organisations -> Open organisation template.

  • Name versions. Organisation web name is shown on the portal overview page. In most cases Tuhat uses the organisation registry data.
  • Organisation profile.
  • Photo is published in the portal.
  • Physical Address.
  • Electronic Address. Regarding web addresses, please fill in all language versions so that links are available in Tuhat portal's EN, SV and EN versions.

In order to get organisation editor privileges, please contact
