Romance Studies (French, Italian, Spanish): Spanish - Articles and Journals

Find Romance Studies (French, Italian and Spanish) articles, journals, books, databases and library's services. / Löydä romaanisten kielten (ranska, italia ja espanja) tutkimuksen artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat, tietokannat ja kirjaston palvelut.

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Some Spanish Studies Journals

Journals rated in the Finnish Publication Forum (JuFo).

BrowZine - Browse and read scholarly e-journals available at HULIB

NEW: You can now browse through and read the scholarly  e-journals acquired by Helsinki University Library on  the BrowZine platform. With Browzine you can also create your own personal bookshelf with your favourite journals and articles.






Linguistics e-journals are found under the subject Social Science and Behavioral Science.

Literature e-journals are found under the subject Arts and Humanities.

New Articles in Spanish Studies Journals

These are feeds from Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies and Revista Española de Lingüística. SEE ALSO articles on Romance Studies on the Welcome page.

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Journal Evaluation

Cabells - a Database of Predatory Journals

Logo of Cabells

Cabells is a database which lists predatory journals, not recommended as publication channels. The service is in test use in University of Helsinki until the end of 2023. UH has a license to a list of predatory journals (predatory reports). From the search result you can see a list of suspicious features of the journal (violations) which are the reasons why the journal is added to the database. Note that Cabells has no relation to a website There is no guarantee that the information there is reliable. 

A view from Cabells database

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