Russian and Eastern European Studies: Subject Guide

Library resources related to Russian and Eastern European Studies: articles, journals, books and databases. / Venäjän ja itäisen Euroopan tutkimuksen tiedonlähteet: artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat ja tietokannat.

Search library resources in the Slavonic Library

Search books, journals or databases in the National Library search service:

Instead of Cyrillics, we recommend to use a transliterated search.

NB. Most periodicals and newspapers published before 1950 can be found only in the card catalogue situated in the Slavonic Library. Ask us for help by email: kk-slav (at)

Search library resources in UH network

Search for books, journals, journal articles or databases from Helka  

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Yandex is the dominant web search engine in Russia. It beats Google at Russian language search. Use Cyrillics!

Remote access

Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Accessing the electronic resources from outside the library locations via a remote connection requires a University user account.

HELDA - Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki

HELDA serves as an open full text repository and open access publishing platform for research articles and institutional series, as well as for teaching and research material produced by the departments and faculties of the University. Helda is also suitable publishing platform for monographs.

The archive ensures long-term storage and provides each item with a permanent web address i. e. Helda offers availability, longevity, and functionality to your digitally stored work.

Researchers at University of Helsinki self-archive their research publications to Helda via TUHAT. They can also send publications to the library´s deposit service.

Russian and Eastern European Studies Subject Guide

This guide helps you to find library resources related to Russian and Eastern European Studies: books, journals and online resources.

The Slavonic Library offers not only its internationally popular Legal Deposit Collection of printed copies in all subjects published within the borders of the Russian Empire in 1828–1917 but also vast collections from the Soviet period containing literature from the fields of humanities and social sciences within the Slavic language area.

Both the Slavonic Library and the library of the Aleksanteri Institute maintain collections of new materials focusing in humanities and social sciences. Helsinki University Library provides broad humanities and social sciences collection, relevant for Russian and Eastern European Studies.

The resources of the guide are in different languages: in English, in Finnish, in Russian and in other Slavonic languages.


Jubilee year of the Slavonic Library 2024

Book shelves in the Slavonic Library

Photo: Marko Oja

Jubilee year of the Slavonic Library 2024

In 2024, it will be 100 years since the Slavonic Library (then the Russian Library) was merged into the National Library of Finland (then the University of Helsinki Library).

In 1924 the University of Helsinki decided to preserve the legal deposit copies obtained from the Russian Empire and decided that the collection would be developed to support humanistic research. At that time, the collection was moved to the then University of Helsinki library, now the National Library of Finland.

Program of the Jubilee year 2024

Welcome to the Jubilee year events!

Resources related to Ukraine

New e-resources in the University of Helsinki network

A Russian newspaper through a magnifying glass

Научно-издательский проект "Электронная коллекция Летописей РКП за 100 лет (1917 - 2017 гг.)"

Книжная летопись

Летопись газетных статей

Летопись журнальных статей

Contact information

Slavonic Library at the National Library of Finland
Unioninkatu 36
nationallibrary (at)
Opening hours

Helsinki University Library 
Kaisa House
Fabianinkatu 30
+358-2941 23920
kirjasto (at)
Opening hours

Aleksanteri Institute library
Unioninkatu 40
Open by appointment

Libraries on the map

Newsletter of the Slavonic Library at the National Library of Finland

Slavica-friends newsletter

Slavica-friends mailing list is a newsletter about services, events and collections of the Slavonic Library at the National Library of Finland. The mailing list is mainly for international guests of Slavonic Library and the language of the newsletter is English. There will be approximately 2-3 e-mails per year.

If you wish to subscribe to the list, please send an e-mail with only text:

subscribe kk-slavicafriends

to majordomo(at)

If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, please send an e-mail with only text:

unsubscribe kk-slavicafriends 

to majordomo(at)


In case of a problem regarding this list, please send an e-mail to owner-kk-slavicafriends(at)

