Practical Theology: Practical Theology Subject Guide

Find Practical Theology articles, journals, books, databases and library's services. / Löydä käytännöllisen teologian artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat, tietokannat ja kirjaston palvelut.


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Services for Researchers

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Welcome to Practical Theology Subject Guide

Welcome On the left column of this page you have a quick access to our library databases, digital bibliographies, technical guides and services for researchers. On the right column, you find contact information and links for acquisition proposals and interlibrary loans. In turn, this central column provides you with dictionaries, online style manuals and reference tools.

Articles and journals Access to printed journals and electronic journal databases, including the article feeds of the high-ranking journals of the field.

Books Access to printed and digital collections of modern research literature, including Ebrary, Google Books, DOAB, online dissertations and our latest acquisitions.

Digital archives and other resources Access to classical sources and digitally archived literature, including both toll access and open access collections; access to electronic repositories as well as to some important home pages of scholars and institutions.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions to improve the guide, please let us know (contact information on this page).

Keenious search tool


Keenious is an AI-based tool that allows you to search for similar or related articles based on either an article or written text. The AI analyses the downloaded article, a link to the article, a selected passage from the article or a written text and recommends similar or related content. Keenious runs in either a web browser or Word application. Get to know Keenious better with our guide!

ORCID Author Identifier


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Include your ORCID identifier in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. In the future, using ORCID will reduce the need to enter data into a variety of different systems.

The University hopes that every researcher registers for an ORCID ID for publications, datasets, and other research outputs.

Create an ORCID id or add an existing ORCID id in your TUHAT profile, see instructions .

ORCID and other IDs

General Dictionaries

Reference Management Tools


EndNote 21 has been purchased for the use of staff and students on the university's computers (instructions on Software Center help page). Both staff and students may also use EndNote 21 on their computers at home. The installation media for your home computer can be found in the Download Center.

EndNote Basic is a freely available online reference manager, only registration is required.

EndNote Training & Support (Clarivate)
EndNote Feature Comparison Chart


Mendeley Reference Manager is a free of charge program that anyone can download on their computer. Just create a free account.

Mendeley website (Elsevier)
Mendeley Help Guides


Zotero is a free of charge program that anyone can download on their computer. Zotero Connector is a browser extension allowing you to quickly save content to Zotero.

Zotero website 
Zotero Quick Start Guide

See the Reference management guide for further instructions.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Kaisu Leinonen
Main Library (Kaisa House)
6th floor, room 6056
Fabianinkatu 30
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

tel. +358-50-3185540

Main Library (Kaisa House)

Fabianinkatu 30 (P.O. Box 53)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Opening hours

tel. +358-2941 23920

Remote Access

Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Accessing the electronic resources from outside the library locations via a remote connection requires a University user account.
