1. Browse the Directory of Open Access Journals
The DOAJ is an online directory of open access, peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journals from different disciplines.
2. Publication Forum (in Finnish often referred to as JUFO) is a rating and classification system to support the quality assessment of research output.
3. Check the journals:
More information about open access
Open Access: Guide for Researchers
You will find journals from Helka : helsinki.fi/helka/en
Finnish Publication Forum, Educational sciences (education, home economics, craft science), top rating level 3
Kotimaisia lehtiä
Pohjoismaisia lehtiä
Databases for Citation analysis
Article Level Metrics - Altmetrics
Traditional metric tools disregard new types of scholarly communication. Altmetrics can be used to measure how scholarly articles are being shared, used and discussed in the social media and publisher sites.
Altmetric Explorer
The Altmetric Explorer / University of Helsinki gathers data related to journal articles from news stories, blog posts, tweets, and postings related to scholarly articles and creates a score based on information from each of the data sources examined.
Altmetric Bookmarklet
Install the Altmetric Bookmarklet and get article level metrics of the papers you are reading.
Examples of databases and publishers who offer altmetric services: