English Studies: English Studies Subject Guide

English Studies Subject Guide, Helsinki University Library: articles, journals, e-books, printed books, databases, and library services - Englantilaisen filologian, englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden aineisto-opas - artikkelit, lehdet, e-kirjat, kirjat,

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Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Accessing the electronic resources from outside the library locations via a remote connection requires a University user account.

Services for Researchers

Altmetrics services:

Keenious AI-based tool


Keenious is an AI-based tool that allows you to search for similar or related articles based on either an article or written text. The AI analyses the downloaded article, a link to the article, a selected passage from the article or a written text and recommends similar or related content. Keenious runs in either a web browser or Word application. Get to know Keenious better with our guide!

English Studies Subject Guide

This guide is designed especially for the researchers, teachers and students of the Helsinki University to help them find the most relevant resources (especially e-resources) available at and through the Helsinki University Library relating to the English Studies.

The guide presents material on different aspects of the English language and linguistics, English language teaching, Historical and Cultural resources of English-speaking countries, mainly the Uk and USA at this point. English Literature Resources have also been added to the guide. 

The guide has the following subsections:

Expanded collections of new books on trial


The library has acquired an expanded collection of new literature from various publishers for trial use. These trial collections will be available until October 31, 2025.

The most used and requested books will be permanently added to the library's collections after the trial period.

You can find the books on trial in the Helka database and browse the books on the platforms of the participating publishers:



Taylor & Francis


In Helka, the book details will indicate if the book is on trial. If you need a book for teaching or research in future, please make a purchase request to the library.

Link to the purchase request in Helka



More information about  the above Collections on Trial :

  • Elsevier Collection on trial contains books mainly from the fields of Life Sciences and
    Health Sciences (about 2500 titles).
  • Sage on trial includes the collection "Sage Reference and Academic Books Complete" (about 6000 titles)
  • Taylor and Francis on trial concentrates mainly on books in the  Humanities and Social Sciences (about 12 500 titles published between years 2022-2025).
  • JSTOR includes around 76 000 titles published up until the year 2021.

All books can be found  catalogued in the Helka library database.


News from the Helsinki University Library

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Liaison Librarian

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Tuija Korhonen
Main Library (Kaisa House)
Fabianinkatu 30
P.B. 53
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

tel. +358 503116329

Subject Librarian (Access Services)

Profile Photo
Heli Heinämäki
Helsinki University Main Library (Kaisa House)
6th floor, room 6058
P.O.Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)

City Centre Campus Library, Main Library (Kaisa House)

Fabianinkatu 30 (P.O. Box 53)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Opening hours

tel. +358-2941 23920

ORCID Author Identifier


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Include your ORCID identifier in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. In the future, using ORCID will reduce the need to enter data into a variety of different systems.

The University hopes that every researcher registers for an ORCID ID for publications, datasets, and other research outputs.

Create an ORCID id or add an existing ORCID id in your TUHAT profile, see instructions .

ORCID and other IDs
