Epistula Polycarpi: Editions and translations
The history of the editions of Epistula Polycarpi may be summarized by focusing on the works that mostly influenced the scholarship. In 1498, Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (Jacobus Faber Stapulensis; c. 1455 – 1536) published in Paris the first edition of the Latin text of the Ignatian long recension and the letter of Polycarp as an appendix to his edition of the Pseudo-Dionysian writings. For almost 150 years, the following editions of Ignatius and Polycarp leaned on his text, and his book was reprinted in Strasbourg (1502, 1527), Paris (1515), Basel (1520), Cologne (1536) and Venice (1537).
The Greek manuscripts of the letters of Ignatius and Polycarp were circulated in 16th-century Italy, but the publishing of editions started in northwest Europe. In 1633, the Belgian Jesuit scholar Pierre Halloix (1572 – 1656) published a synopsis of the Greek and Latin text of the letters of Ignatius and Polycarp in his Illustrium ecclesiae orientalis scriptorium. In Oxford, the exiled archbishop of Ireland, James Ussher (1581 – 1656) basically used the Greek text of Halloix for his edition in 1644. The present division of the letter in fourteen chapters stems from Ussher’s division of the letter of Polycarp in fourteen passages.
The Greek-Latin editions of Halloix and Ussher were dominant for some 200 years. During this time, particularly the Protestant scholars became accustomed to including the letter of Polycarp in the writings of the apostolic fathers. In the middle of the 19th century, William Jacobson (1803 – 1884) and Albert Dressel (1808 – 1875) studied manuscripts in Italy and included previously unknown manuscripts in their editions.
Theodor Zahn (1838 – 1933) was the first scholar to recognize that the Greek manuscripts of these letters belong to two different families (α and β). Joseph Barber Lightfoot (1828 – 1889) could build upon the work of Dressel, Zahn, Funk and others, his introductions to the manuscripts of these letters surpassed the work of his predecessors in clarity, pervasiveness and scope. Excepting the affordable edition of Hefele, Lightfoot’s edition was the first edition to discard the Latin text of Polycarp as parallels for the Greek text (1.1-9.2 and the parallel text of Eusebius for ch. 13); this practice soon became a rule for modern editions.
The work of Lightfoot has remained the last text-critically exhaustive edition. Soon after the death of Lightfoot, J. R. Harmer reworked and published it as a shortened and practical version in 1891, which was reprinted several times. The revised edition prepared by Michael Holmes (2007) has become a new standard edition in the global village. In German speaking world, the handy edition of Funk (Die apostolischen Väter, 1901) has been reprinted several times. Even with its very simple textual apparatus, it has served as the major edition of German scholars.
[Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples,] Opera Dionysii Areopagitae, interprete Ambrosio Camaldulensi, cum Ignatii et Polycarpi epistolis. Parisiis 1498.
Ep. Pol. pp. 116-117. Text is based on (two?) manuscripts, which belonged to family β
Dionysij Coelestis hierarchia, Ecclesiastica hierarchia, Diuina nomina, Mystica theologia, Vndecim epistolae. Parisiis: Henricus Stephanus, 1515.
Ep. Pol. pp. 222v-224r.
Ignatius, Antiochenus: Gloriosi Christi Martyris Ignatii Antiocheni antistitis, Epistolae undecim cum argumento Iacobi Fabri Stapulen[sis] in easdem. Basiliae: Petri 1520.
Ep. Pol. pp. 88-95. This is the Stapulensis text linked and used in the present edition.
Epistolae 11. Item una Polycarpi (Sancti) epistola, cum argumento Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis in easdem. Argentorati: 1527.
Ep. Pol. pp. 98-100.
Gloriosi Christi Martyris Ignatii Antiocheni Antistitis, Epistolae undecim. Item una beati Polycarpi Martyris Epistola, cum Argumento Jacobi Fabri in easdem. Venetiis: Sabiensis, 1537.
Ep. Pol. pp. 166-178.
Epistolae D. Ignatii, Polycarpi, Martialis, Antonii magni, vetustissimor[um] scriptorum, qui aut Apostolis, aut Apostolor[um] Discipulis usi sunt doctoribus ... Venetiis 1546.
Ep. Pol. pp. 40-43.
MIKROPRESBYTIKON. VETERVM QVORVNdam breuium Theologorum, siue Episcoporum siue Presbyterorum, aut sacri ordinis aliorum qui aut tempore Apostolorum, aut non multo post uixerunt, elenchum. Švýcarsko; Basilej; 1550.
Ep. Pol. pp. 27-29.
Ignatius, Antiochenus: Epistolae Ignatii Antiochiae episcopi, Polycarpi episcopi Smyrnensis, Martialis, apostoli. Parisiis : Morelius 1561.
Ep. Pol. pp. 97-105.
D. Dionysii Areopagitae Opera omnia quae extant. Eiusdem vita. Scholia incerti authoris in librum de ecclesiastica hierarchia ... Hisce accessere ... D. Ignatii atq[ue] Polycarpi et Martialis epistolae. Lovanii: Hieronymus Wellaeus, 1566.
Ep. Pol. pp. 166-170..
Dionysius Areopagita. Beati Dionysii Areopagitae... opera, Cum scholiis in librum de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia, à Ioachimo Perionio conuersa. Hisce accessere... Ignatij... atque Polycarpi, & Martialis Apostoli epistolae. Praetereà Vincentij Lirinensis liber aduersus haerescon (sic) nouationes.
Ep. Pol. pp. 496-505..
The Famous epistles of Saint Polycarp and Saint Ignatius, disciples to the holy Evangelist and Apostle Saint John with the epistle of St. Barnabas and some remarks upon their lives and deaths / translated according to the best copies out of the original Greek into English by Thomas Elborowe. London 1668.
Die Episteln des Heiligen Märtyres Ignatii, Des Ertz-Bischoffs zu Antiochia in Syrien/ welcher hat Christum den Herrn im Fleisch gesehen : Geschrieben an die vornehmsten Gemeinen auf der Reise aus Syrien/ Als er von Antiochia nach Rom zur Marter ... geführet im Jahr nach Christi Geburth CXI.Epistolae. Trans. Martin Möller. Eisenach 1690.
Ep. Pol. pp. 220-239.
The genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers, S. Barnabas, S. Ignatius, S. Clement, S. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the matyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp, written by those who were present at their sufferings : being, together with the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament, a compleat collection of the most primitive antiquity for about CL years after Christ / translated and publish'd, with a large preliminary discourse relating to the several treaties here put together by W. Wake. London: Printed for Ric. Sare at Grays-Inn Gate next Holborn. 1693.
Ep. Pol. pp. 91-100.
Die ächten Werke Apostolischer Männer: die Briefe des Clemens, Ignatius, Polycarpus, und Barnabas, sammt den Nachrichten von dem Marterthume des Ignatius und Polycarpus, und dem Hirten des Hermas. Trans. Herrn Simon Grynaeus. Augsburg : Wolff 1774.
Ep. Pol. pp. 170-181.
Blomfield Jackson, St. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. London: SPCK 1898.
Ep. Pol. pp. 32-48.
Der Brief des Polykarp von Smyrna an die Gemeinde von Philippi. Bibliothek der Kirchenväter. aus dem Griechischen übersetzt von Franz Zeller In: Die Apostolischen Väter. Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, 1. Reihe, Band 35. München 1918,
Ep. Pol. pp. 163–170.
Early Christian writings: The Apostolic Fathers. Trans. Staniforth, Maxwell. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1968.
Ep. Po. pp. 135-150.
Illustrium ecclesiae orientalis scriptorum ... vitae et documenta, Vol. I. Duaci [Douai] 1633.
Ep. Pol. pp. 525-532. The Greek manuscripts he used stem from two different families. If we trace them by following the readings of the edition, the most likely candidates are Vaticanus (v) and Casatanensis (c).
Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolae : una cum vetere vulgata intepretatione Latina, ex trium manuscriptorum codicum collatione, integritas suae restituta. Oxford 1644.
Ep. Pol. 13-24. Ussher basically used the Greek text of Halloix, and for the Latin text, he relied on Reginensis (r) and two manuscripts he found in Oxford, Magdalensis (m) and Balliolensis (o).
In eadem Polycarpi epistolam, Patrricii Junii Notula critica. In: Ussher, Graecorum Ignatii exemplarium, Oxford: Henricus Hall [1644]. p. 3-4.
Ad Philippenses epistola una cum ejusdem martyrio et tam veterum quam recentiorum testimoniis. Ed. Joachimus-Johan Maders suasque notas adj. Helmestadii 1653.
Ep. Pol. 45-59. Based on the editions of Halloix and Ussher.
SS. Patrum Qui Temporibus Apostolicis Floruerunt, Barnabae, Clementis, Hermae, Ignatii, Polycarpi Opera Edita Et Inedita, Vera, & supposititia. J. B. Cotelerius Societatis Sorbonicae Theologus, ex Mss. Codicibus eruit, ac correxit, versionibusque & notis illustravit. Antverpiae : Huguetan, 1698. Vol. 2.
Ep. Pol. 184-190. Based on the editions of Halloix and Ussher.
Bibliotheca Patrum Apostolicorum Graeco-Latina: Qua continentur I. S. Clementis Romani prior & posterior ad Corinthios epistola, II. S. Ignatii epistolae septem genuinae, quibus eiusdem interpolatae & spuriae epistolae, nec non acta Ignatiani martyrii accedunt, III. S. Polycarpi epistola ad Philippenses. Ed. Thomas Ittig. Lipsiae : Lanckisch, 1699.
Ep. Pol. 370-385. Based on the edition of Cotelier.
Sancti Martyris Ignatii Antiochensis Episcopi Epistolæ septem genuinæ quas nimirum collegit S. Polycarpus suæque ad Philippenses epistolæ subjecit.
Ep. Pol. 2-17.
Epistolae Sanctorum Patrvm Apostolicorvm Clementis, Ignatii Et Polycarpi, Atqve Dvorvm Posteriorvm Martyria / Omnia Graece Et Latine Cvm Variorvm Annotationibvs Et Praefatione Ioh. Lvdovici Frey. S. Th. Doct. & Prof. Basileae : Mechel 1742.
Ep. Pol. 143-161.
Patrum Apostolicorum Barnabae, Hermae, Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Opera genuina una cum Ignatii et Polycarpi Martyriis: versionibus antiquis ... accesserunt S. Ignatii Epistolae, tum interpolatae tum supposititiae cura R. Russel. Vol. I. Londini: Russel 1746.
Ep. Pol. pp. 228-250.
Bibliotheca veterum patrum atiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, postrema Lugdunensi longe locupletior atque accuratior. Vol. 1. Venetiis : Ex typographia Joaniis Baptistæ Albritii Hieron. fil. 1765.
Ep. Pol. pp. 309-315.
Scripta genuina graeca patrum apostolicorum graece et latine (etc.). Ed. FR. Horneman. Havniae: Schultz, 1829.
Ep. Pol. 3-16
S. Clementis Romani, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi, Patrum apostolicorum, quae supersunt: accedunt S. Ignatii et S. Polycarpi martyria. Vol. II. Oxonii : e typographeo Clarendoniano.
Ep. Pol. pp. 522-552. The text is based on three Greek manuscripts (v, p, f) and three Latin manuscripts (c, o, f).
Patrum apostolicorum opera. Textum editionibus praestantissis repetitum recognovit, annotationibus illustravit, versionem latinam emendationem, prolegomena et indices addidit Carolus Iosephus Hefele, editio tertia aucta et emendata. Tubingae: Libraria Henrici Laupp.1847.
Ep Pol. 258-275. Greek text of the letter of Polycarp is based on the edition of Jacobsen.
Ep. Pol. col. 1005-1024. Greek text of the letter of Polycarp is based on the edition of Jacobsen.
Patrum apostolicorum opera. textum ad fidem codicum et Graecorum et Latinorum, ineditorum copia insignium. Ed. Albert Dressel. Lipsiae: Hinrichs 1863.
Ep. Pol. 376-390. Dressel introduced three unexplored Greek manuscripts (v f p + o c b). For his Latin text, he used Regius (r) and Palatinus (p), both available to him in Rome.
Ignatii et Polycarpi Epistulae. Martyria Fragmenta. Leipzig: Heinrichs 1876.
Ep. Pol. 110-132. Zahn divided the Greek manuscripts into two families.
Fα: v, o, f, p
Fβ: n, t, c, a, b
The Apostolic Fathers.Part II, vol. 3: Ed. J. B. Lightfoot. London: Macmillan 1889.
Ep. Pol. 312-350.Lightfoot listed altogether eight Greek and fourteen Latin manuscripts:
Greek manuscripts v o f p / n t c a
Latin manuscripts r p m f / b c o t v / cp cm a bm bn
The Apostolic Fathers. Revised Texts with Short Introductions and English Translations by the Late J. B. Lightfoot, D.D., D.C.L., Ll.D., Lord Bishop Of Durham, Edited and Completed by J. R. Harmer, M.A., Fellow Of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Sometime Chaplain To The Bishop. London: Macmillan And Co. And New York. 1891.
Ep Pol. ad loc.
Patres Apostolici. Textum Recensuit Adnotationibus Criticis Exegeticis Hlstoricis Illustravit Versionem Latinam Prolegomena, Indices Addidit Franciscus Xaverius Funk. Volumen I. Editio II Adaucta et Emendata. Tubingae: Libraria Henrici Laupp 1901.
Ep. Pol. 297-313.
Die apostolische Väter. Tübingen: J. C. B. Siebeck 1901.
Ep. Pol. pp. 110-116.
Patrum apostolicorum opera, Editio quarta minor, Lipsiae : Hinrichs, 1906.
Ep. Pol. pp. 114-118. Based on the text of Zahn (1876).
The Apostolic Fathers with an English Translation by Kirsopp Lake in Two Volumes. Vol. I: I Clement, II Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Didache, Barnabas. London : William Heinemann. New York : The Macmillan co. 1965.
Ep. Pol. pp. 282-301. Based on the text of Lightfoot (1889).
Auguste Lelong, Les Pères apostoliques, vol. III : Ignace d'Antioche et Polycarpe de Smyrne. Paris 1927.
Ep. Pol. 108-129. Based on the text of Funk (1901).
Ignace d'Antioche [et] Polycarpe de Smyrne : lettres. Martyre de Polycarpe. Ed. P. Th. Camelot. Sources chrétiennes 10. Paris: Cerf 1958.
Pol. Phil. 202-223.
The Apostolic Fathers, Volume I: I Clement. II Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache. Edited and translated by Bart D. Ehrman. Loeb Classical Library 24. Harvard University Press 2003.
Ep. Pol. ad loc. Ehrman mentions the manuscripts used by Lightfoot and adds Andros (a); for the Latin translation he names nine witnesses without classifying them (r, t, c, b, o, p, f, v, m).
The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations. Grand Rapids (MI) 2007.
Ep. Pol. pp. 280-297. Based on the text of Lightfoot and Harmer (1891).