Editori - a tool for open journal publishing and learning scientific publishing practices: Use of Editori

This guide will present Editori, a service by Helsinki University Library for editing and publishing opean journals and learning scientific publishing practices

Location of Editori and use cases

  • Editori is found at https://journals.helsinki.fi
  • Sign-in to Editori with your regular University of Helsinki account, with national Haka-account or with the username and password obtained from the editor of the journal in the Editori-platform
  • Editori works with a network connection, including wireless connections
  • The user role is determined by the information from authentication. It may be a reader, an author, a reviewer, an editor, a chief editor or a journal manager. The role can be assigned by the journal manager. For more information on roles see PKP Docs.

OJS and Public Knowledge Project

The OJS platform is developed by the non-commercial Public Knowledge Projec that strives to advance access to publicly funded research by applying software development. More information on the Open Journal Systems platform is found at the web site of Knowledge Project and the Wikipedia article.

Editorial Workflow ikn OJS3

Inproving visual appearance

  • The visual interface of Editori journals can adjusted in many ways by using themes, images and models. You may choose the Default theme or Health Science theme.
  • The visual appearance of existing journals can be developed on the Editori platform
  • Journal editors can change the visual interface taking into account the terms of use for the University of Helsinki.
  • The library cannot participate in adjusting the visual appearance.
  • For support on the intellectual property rights of visual materials, see ImageOA guide from Aalto University.
  • Examples of various visual interfaces in the section of OSJ journals in this guide.


OJS platform contains plugin modules designed to perform certain tasks. Examples of plugins:

  • Google Analytics plugin for web site traffic analysis (requires a Google Analytics account)
  • Google Scholar Indexing plugin enables indexing of published content in Google Scholar
  • Language Toggle Block plugin provides the sidebar language toggler
  • "Make a Submission" block provides a sidebar block with a "Make a Submission" link
  • Web Feed plugin produces RSS/Atom web syndication feeds for the current issue
  • HTML Article Galley provides rendering support for HTML Article Galleys
  • URN plugin for adding a permanent URN identifier to articles and other content; see URN guide for Editori users
  • See also PKP list of plugins

Helsinki University Library provides support for configuring these plugins.

Frequently asked questions from PKP Community Forum

Use of Orcid-plugin in Editori

All Editori-journals are integrated with Orcid through a dedicated plugin. With that the user can fetch one's information from the Orcid-database when registering to Editori-journal, add one's Orcid-number to user information or ask co-writers to add the Orcid-number to the article. In this way the information of the Editori-journal article is transferred to Orcid-database (requires DOI). We will send the editors of the journals detailed instructions on how to use the plugin. Below you can see a video which illustrates different ways to use the plugin.


Questions about editori? Need help for a technical problem? Write to us at editori@helsinki.fi


Journal publishing process - step-by-step guide

Submitting an article to an Editori journal

  • A new manuscript can be submitted directly from the journal page or sent by email.
  • The link for making a submission is found at the journal page in About the Journal.
  • When a submission is complete you will get an acknowledgement by email.
  • See also the video guide.

Peer review

If the journal applies peer review there is three different options to handle it. The journal manager decides which method is used.

  1. In single-blind peer review, only the reviewers are anonymous. Reviewers know the authors’ names and backgrounds, but authors don’t know those of the reviewers.
  2. In double-blind peer review, both the authors and reviewers keep their anonymity. Only the editor knows the identity of all parties involved.
  3. in open peer review the identities of both the author and the reviewer are known. Also the review reports may be openly available online.

More information on different methods of peer review.

Article publishing process

  • The journal editor may approve or reject and article even without peer review. In this case the article does not fit the profile of the journal or the manuscript is lacking some elements.
  • If the journal does not use peer review the decision to publish is taken by the editor.
  • If the manuscript looks promising it can be published immediately or it can be sent to peer review.
  • On basis of review reports the editor may request changes suggested byt the reviewers or in rare cases may approve it immediately for publication.
  • The editor chooses the issue and part of the journal in which the article will be published.
  • During all these steps the platform informs the author, and the editor may also give his advice.
  • Please note that the different steps may require a long period of time.

Guidance from Public Knowledge Project for the editorial process

Statistics in Editori

OJS provides easy-to-use statistics for both immediate impressions and as Excel-files (*csv) for downloading. They can be found from the toolbar at the left side of the Journal page ("Statistics"). In the upper option ("Articles") one can choose the preferable time period and different filters (for example, number of article views of abstract views). In the lower option ("Report generator") one can download different Excel-reports with various criteria.


To Editori-journals!
