Editori - a tool for open journal publishing and learning scientific publishing practices: Create an open journal

This guide will present Editori, a service by Helsinki University Library for editing and publishing opean journals and learning scientific publishing practices

Create a journal!


  • Think of a name for your open access-journal, the language(s) used and the target audience
  • Choose an editor and editorial board for the journal
  • Agree with the editor and the board about practices (for example, about peer reviewing)
  • Familiarize yourself with the advice given in this page
  • Contact us at editori@helsinki.fi

A course by Public Knowledge Project for setting up a journal

Starting points

  • The editor and the editorial board is responsible for the content of the journal made within the Editori-service. The content is shared with Creative Common (4.0) CC-BY-license which enables free sharing and modifying, also for commercial purposes. The name of the author must always be attributed properly.
  • Journals created with Editori must respond to Acceptable use policy for University of Helsinki.
  • Of the responsible persons, at least contact persons must have an affiliation to University of Helsinki. The journal must be published within University of Helsinki. If there are changes in the responsible persons of the journal, the information should be sent to editori@helsinki.fi
  • The Editori is free of charge for users of the publishing platform service. The Editori also aims to promote diamond open access, which is free of charge for journal authors. This means that journals on the Editori cannot charge authors a publication fee (article processing charge, APC).
  • Helsinki University Library is responsible for the platform and advices its use and creation and editing journals from the technical point of view. The contact persons of the journals are trained to use the platform.
  • Helsinki University Library can give a persistent identifier (DOI) to peer-reviewed articles. This enables the article to be indexed to a number of research databases. The article can be archived to Tuhat research system if the author has a profile there. From Tuhat the article is also archived automatically in Helda, Helsinki University digital repository.
  • Editori journals are required to be academic, the publishing tool also allows for peer review of articles.
  • It is possible to assign also URN identifiers to articles and other contents in Editori journals. URN (Uniform Resource Name) is a unique and permanent identifier given to an online publication, and it improves the discoverability of the publications. See URN guide below.
  • Hulib can help in following Google Analytics-statistics.

Considering a new journal

A journal created with Editori can be either a new one or an already existing one. The latter can be the case if there is already a print-journal and there is a desire to change it to a digital, open journal.

Some topics to consider for the editor of a new Editori-journal

  • If a new journal is created, it is important to consider what is the nature of the journal and what one does want to achieve with it. Is it a mouthpiece of a student organisation or a personnel group, a publishing channel for a department or disciplne or a proper scientific journal with peer review (of some special topic, for example). How does one define the field of the journal?
  • One should think about the journal name, editor(s), editorial board and possible peer reviewers. How often is the journal issued? What are the editorial practices of the journal? What kind of texts are published (articles, reviews, others)? Is peer review applied? Are all articles peer reviewed or only some of them? What kind of peer review is applied (Editori provides single blind, double blind and open peer review)?

If the journal has some history as a printed journal, one can consider whether old practises are preserved or whether there is time for a change. The persons responsible for the journal can scan and add old issues or articles from them at will and we will give training for that. However, we cannot offer digitization of old issues to the Editori-service.

Editorial practices in Editori-service

  • The names and contact information of the editor(s) must be sent to editori@helsinki.fi
  • The number of persons in the editorial board is free to decide, as well as their roles
  • In the Editori-tool, there are many different roles available for different tasks (for example, journal manager, journal editor, peer reviewer, reader etc.). We will train the persons responsible to assign roles for different tasks. The same person can have several roles and his rights depend on the roles assigned.

Creating a journal

The first step of creating a journal is to contact the library at editori@helsinki.fi for more information. After agreeing on the use of the tool and training to use it, a written contract is made for the use of the service. In the pilot phase the library will act according to resources available, so there can be a little delay in starting the use of Editori.

Learn from other Editori journals

The editors of current Editori journals share their experiences and views on open access publishing and the use of the Editori publishing tool in the Think Open blog's Editori Stories article series.

More information


Questions about editori? Need help for a technical problem? Write to us at editori@helsinki.fi



Library Editori user

Maintaining Editori platform (Open Journal Systems, OJS), technical support and guidance

The editor of the journal is responsible for the content of the journal, editorial policies of articles, editing the journal, including page numbers, layout and visual appearance. The editor is also responsible for possible digitization of old issues and adding them to the OJS platform.

Training of the platform and basics on editing journals in the starting phase

The editor commits himself/herself to the rules of Editori, principle of use and take down policy (below).  

Sharing persistent identifiers and depositing in Helda repository of selected articles (by which they are indexed to several databases)

The editor commits himself/herself to good editorial practices (see, for example OASPA Code of Conduct)
Guidance on copyright issues, metadata, open publishing and academic visibility

At least one of the editors is a student or staff member of University of Helsinki. If there are significant changes in the editors or editorial board, these are notified to editori@helsinki.fi

Controls the journals and gives guidance if needed. Promotes the Editori service and its journals. The editor(s) commit to follow the plan and schedule presented for the journal in question.

Take down policy

Takedown policy of University of Helsinki Editori service


This takedown policy covers the content produced by the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform provided by the University of Helsinki. It also covers content deposited in Helda repository originating from journals on the OJS platform.

Takedown requests

Journal managers are responsible to make sure that the published content does not breach any legislation. If you suspect that some content is illegal please contact immediately the journal in question. If needed take also contact with Helsinki University Library at editori@helsinki.fi.

When contacting us please provide at least following details:

  • content covered by the takedown request - providing an URL is useful in pointing out the content
  • name and contact details of the creator of the request
  • grounds for the takedown request

Response from the journal or library

When the takedown request arrives:

  • we will evaluate the request.
  • we strive to secure the identity of the person and the grounds for the request.
  • we will answer the presenter of the request as soon as possible that the request is under consideration.
  • depending on the case, we can temporarily remove the content in question.
  • we will question the persons responsible for the content and, when needed, other persons in the university (such as specialists on copyrights etc.).
  • if the takedown request is reasonable, the content is permanently removed from the university of Helsinki publishing platforms (OSJ, Helda).
  • if the takedown request is unfounded, the content is returned if it has been temporarily removed.

We promise to deal with the matter within 30 days.

Prin­ciples of use

Editori service conforms to principles of use at University of Helsinki:

  • Information systems at the University of Helsinki are meant to be used for purposes of study, research, teaching or administration.For any other use a separate permission is needed.
  • The user has the responsibility to provide up-to-date contact details to the university for possible contacting.

  • Journals produced with Editori platform are public and they are covered by same laws and regulations as other publications. Starting discussions and expressing opinions is common practice. On the other hand personal attacks and insults do not belong to journal writing.

  • Journal editors are responsible for the content of journals. Copyright remains with the authors and works are published with CC BY license that permits use and remix of content providing attribution is given to authors.

  • Please make sure that you have the right to use the material published. For intellectual property rights consult the license guide of the library and for visual material see ImageOA guide from Aalto University.

  • Editori platform is not intended for commercial, ideological or political use. In political activity the only exceptions are university elections and activities of student or staff associations. Note: Editori journals may contain advertisements as long as the journal is not used for commercial purposes.
  • If you notice activity in an Editori journal breaching these principles, please contact us at editori@helsinki.fi.

More information
