Economics: Databases and Resources

Find Economics articles, journals, books, databases and library's services. / Löydä taloustieteen artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat, tietokannat ja kirjaston palvelut.

Find a Database (Helka)

The Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR

Cabells - a Database of Predatory Journals

Logo of Cabells

Cabells is a database which lists predatory journals, not recommended as publication channels. The service is so far in test use in the University of Helsinki. UH has a license to a list of predatory journals (predatory reports). From the search result you can see a list of suspicious features of the journal (violations) which are the reasons why the journal is added to the database.

In addition to the Cabells service, claims to provide information on predator publications. Do not use The site is not reliable and is suspected of malpractice.

A view from Cabells database

Database Showcase - Find Articles Fast with Web of Science (2018, 1:18 min)

Databasis for Economics

Journal Databases for Economics

More Resources

Economics at the Finnish Universities

Thesauri and Dictionaries


Finding Research Data
