Economics: Databases and Resources

Find Economics articles, journals, books, databases and library's services. / Löydä taloustieteen artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat, tietokannat ja kirjaston palvelut.

Find a Database (Helka)

The Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR

Cabells - a Database of Predatory Journals

Logo of Cabells

Cabells is a database which lists predatory journals, not recommended as publication channels. The service is in test use in University of Helsinki until the end of 2023. UH has a license to a list of predatory journals (predatory reports). From the search result you can see a list of suspicious features of the journal (violations) which are the reasons why the journal is added to the database. Note that Cabells has no relation to a website There is no guarantee that the information there is reliable. 

A view from Cabells database

Database Showcase - Find Articles Fast with Web of Science (2018, 1:18 min)

Databasis for Economics

Journal Databases for Economics

More Resources

Economics at the Finnish Universities

Thesauri and Dictionaries


Finding Research Data
