What Altmetric do?
Altmetric tracks the attention that research outputs such as scholarly articles and datasets receive online. It collects the mentions from social media like Twitter and Facebook, news, blogs and online reference managers like Mendeley and CiteULike. You can search your publications in Altmetric system and see how many mentions your research have received.
Types of identifiers Altmetric tracks as standard
The unique identifier is really important for Altmetric to be able to match the attention to the research, it connects mentions to research. Identifiers in the system is designed to automatically recognize extend far beyond journal articles, and include: PubMedID, arXiv ID, ADS ID, SSRN ID, RePEC ID, Handle.net identifiers, URN (Uniform Resource Name) identifiers, ISBNs, DOIs.
Key Functionality
Nelli Hankonen Altmetric Report
Mikael Fortelius Altmetric Report
Jaakko Kaprio Altmetric Report
Laura Hänninen Altmetric Report