Avoimen tieteen iltapäivä 2019:
Datatuki 10 vuotta!
21.10.2019 klo 15-17
Tiedekulma,Think Lounge
Päivänsankarin puhe
Helsingin yliopiston avoimen tieteen palkinnon jako
Tervetuloa juhlimaan datatuen 10-vuotista taivalta ja yliopiston vuoden 2019 avoimen tieteen palkinnon saajaa!
Ilmoittautuminen 11.10. mennessä: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/99356/lomake.html
Tapahtuman tunnisteet Twitterissä: #datasupport10, #ATI2019
Paikka: Tiedekulma, Think Lounge (Yliopistonkatu 4, 2 krs.)
Avoimen tieteen kioskit
Self-archiving? Yes, it concerns you if you are UH affiliated researcher and an author of scientific article or book chapter.
Publishing Master Thesis openly? Yes, it concerns you if you are a student at the University of Helsinki.
Discounts on APCs ? Yes, you can benefit, if you have a position at the University of Helsinki.
Wish to publish an open journal or a book? Yes, we have a platform and ready concept for you.
To whom?
Researcher, lecturer or student at University of Helsinki.
Need to ask? We have open solutions and services made for you!
Come, challenge us & explore the possibilities!
Questions about self-archiving or Open Access publishing?
Any feedback concerning the Open Access week 2019?