Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Accessing the electronic resources from outside the library locations via a remote connection requires a University user account.
This guide is designed to Helsinki University researchers by Helsinki University librarians and subject specialists to help you to find the most relevant information in music and musicology.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions to improve the guide, please let us know!
Articles, Journals includes a list (and easy access) to the most important musicological journals, feeds from some of them, plus links to some other selected journals and collections of digitalized newspapers.
Books includes links to some e-book collections, core music reference books, and source text collections, plus information about collections in print.
Scores, Sound Recordings, Videos includes links to collections of digitized scores and sheet music, plus links to digitalized sound recordings and digital video services.
Bibliographic and Multi-Content Databases includes links to the most important bibliographic databases and to a selection of much-varied music sources, both full-text and bibliographic, like discographies, image-related sources, plus links to databases of archives, research institutes, etc.
Other Sources includes selected link lists, links to music libraries, archives, documentation centres, and to the most important musicological organisations, plus links to current musicological conferences, some chronologies of music history, plus research and writing advice.
The latest issue of Fontes artis musicae, volume 71, no. 4 (October-December 2024) has been published. It may be accessed via Project Muse for subscribers or via the IAML Web Site for members. The contents of the issue are as follows:
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