Measuring Research Impact: Journal Impact

Metrics Methods and Evaluation

Impact Factors

The journal impact factors are updated annually and can be found from the Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports database.

  1. From Journal Citation Reports database, enter the journal title in the Go to Journal Profile search box. The results include the Impact Factors for JCR years and many other indicators for the title.

  2. By clicking the Journal Impact Factor numerical value you can see the metrics used for calculating the IF.

  3. Rank shows Journal Rank in the categories the journal is classified. Click the name of a category beside journal name to get all journals and their ranks in that category.

  4. Cited Journal Data show the metrics of citations the selected journal received in the JCR year from the same journal or other journals.

  5. Citing Journal Data show the metrics of citations from articles published in the JCR year in the selected journal to the same journal or other journals.

  6. Journal Relationships is a visualization that displays the citing or cited data relationships between the parent journal and the top twenty journals in its network.

Julkaisufoorumi - Finnish Publication Forum JuFo

Publication Forum (in Finnish: Julkaisufoorumi) is a national system for assessing publications. It maintains and develops the classification of scientific publication channels.

The base of the Publication Forum system is a qualitative classification of scientific publication channels in all scientific fields. The evaluation of publication channels takes place in 23 field specific expert panels. The levels are: 1 = basic, 2 = leading, 3 = top. Publication channels that do not meet the criteria for at least the basic level, receive a level 0.

Scopus based journal indicators
