Gender Studies: Databases and Other Resources

Find Gender Studies articles, journals, books, databases and library's services. / Löydä sukupuolentutkimuksen artikkelit, lehdet, kirjat, tietokannat ja kirjaston palvelut

Finding Research Data

Core Databases

Gender equality - Center for Gender Equality Information

The Gender Equality website offers updated, research-based information on gender equality. The website supports decision-making, the promotion of gender equality, the supervision of gender equality policy and the implementation of citizens' rights.
Centre for Gender Equality Information in Finland, operating under the National Institute for Health and Welfare, is a national information service that provides information related to gender equality and gender studies.

ORCID Author Identifier


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Include your ORCID identifier in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. In the future, using ORCID will reduce the need to enter data into a variety of different systems.

The University hopes that every researcher registers for an ORCID ID for publications, datasets, and other research outputs.

Create an ORCID id or add an existing ORCID id in your TUHAT profile, see instructions .

ORCID and other IDs
