Kaisa House Call Numbers: Law

Classification for Law

Location in Kaisa House: 4th floor (map) and basement floor K3 (map)

Call number in Helka:
Hc 4. krs Oikeustiede
Hc K3 Oikeustiede

01 Reference books (4th floor and K3)
01.1 Bibliographies (law)
01.2 Directories (law)
01.3 Registers (law)
01.4 Encyclopedias (law)
01.5 Dictionaries (law)
01.6 Statistics (law)
01.7 Statute books
01.8 Model documents
01.9 Study guides, research and language use (law)
02.0 Official publications, Finland (4th fl. and K3)
02.1 Legislative drafting, Finland (K3)
02.2 Parliamentary documents, Finland:
In Finnish: Valtiopäiväasiakirjat (4th floor)  
In Swedish: Riksdagshandlingar (K3)
03.0 Collection of statutes (K3)
03.1 Official publications, Sweden
03.11 Legislative drafting, Sweden
03.12 Swedish collection of statutes
03.2 Official publications, Norway
03.3 Official publications, Denmark
03.4 Nordic co-operation
04.0 Case law (4th floor and K3)
04.1 Case law, Finland (4th floor)
04.2 Foreign Case law (K3)
04.21 Case Law, Sweden
04.22 Case Law, Norway
04.23 Case Law, Denmark
04.24 Case Law, Germany
04.25 Case Law, Great-Britain
04.26 Case Law, Switzerland
04.27 Case Law, Russia
04.28 Case Law, USA
04.3 Case Law, International courts

Classification for Law (4th Floor)

Location in Kaisa House: 4th floor (map)

Call number in Helka:
Hc 4. krs Oikeustiede

  4TH FLOOR (05.0-19.4)
05.0 Compilations (law)
05.1 Liber amicorum (Festschrifts) (law)
05.2 Legal systems around the world
06.0 Jurisprudence
06.1 Legal history
06.2 Legal philosophy
06.3 Sociology of law
06.4 Law and policy
06.5 Comparative law
06.6 Law and informatics
06.7 Law and linguistics
06.8 Law and economics
07.0 Civil law
07.1 Law of obligations
07.11 Contract law
07.12 Damages
07.13 Credit law and payment
07.14 Insurance law
07.15 Law of transport
07.2 Property law
07.21 Ownership and right to use
07.211 Property law
07.212 Personal estate law
07.22 Registration law
07.23 Finance and collateral law
07.231 Other collateral laws
07.232 Special financing arrangements
07.24 Material insolvency law
07.241 Resumption
07.3 Family law and succession
07.31 Matrimonial law, relationships
07.32 Child law
07.33 Guardianship law
07.34 Inheritance and testament law
07.35 Personality and name rights
08.0 Commercial law
08.1 Corporation law
08.11 Companies law
08.12 Other corporational rights
08.2 Market law
08.21 Competition law
08.22 Dishonest competition
08.23 Consumer law
08.3 Incorporeal right
08.31 Copyright
08.32 Patent right
08.33 Trademark rights
08.34 Copyright of design
08.4 Trades regulation
08.41 Financing
08.43 Energy trade
08.44 Real estate
08.45 Agricultural industry
08.46 Other trades regulations
08.5 International economic law and treaties
09.0 Labour law
09.1 Employment contracts
09.2 Collective labour relations
09.21 Labour and collective bargaining
contract rights
09.22 Collaboration
09.23 Industrial dispute conciliation
09.3 Industrial safety
09.31 Working time and holiday entitlement
09.32 Occupational safety
09.4 Employment and employment services
09.5 Social insurance and benefits
09.6 International labour law and social security
10.0 Environmental law
10.1 Property formation
10.2 Use of land and built land
10.3 Natural resources, use of water, countryside
10.4 Environmental protection
10.5 International environmental law
11.0 Private international law (Conflict of laws)
11.1 International trade and transportation law
11.2 International family law and succession
12.0 Criminal law
12.1 Criminal law, general principles
12.2 Specific crimes
12.3 Sanctions
12.4 International and European criminal law
12.5 Criminal sciences
12.51 Criminology
12.52 Criminal policy
12.53 Criminalistics
13.0 Procedural law
13.1 Civil procedure
13.2 Criminal procedure
13.3 Evidence law
13.4 Alternative dispute resolution
13.41 Arbitration
13.42 Conciliation
13.5 Litigation expenses and legal
advice systems
13.6 Insolvency
13.61 Liability for debts, insolvency
13.62 Bankruptcy
13.63 Enforcement
13.64 Private person’s loan arrangement
13.65 Reorganization
13.66 International insolvency
13.7 International procedural law
14.0 Constitutional law
14.1 Human/Fundamental rights
14.2 Parliament and participation systems
14.3 Government and division of powers
14.4 Law making
14.5 Legality control
14.6 Foreign affairs
14.7 State finance
14.8 Åland self-government
15.0 Administrative law
15.1 Administrative procedure
15.2 Administrative jurisdiction
15.3 Municipal legislation
15.4 Welfare law
15.5 Civil servants
15.6 Right to information
15.61 Publicity
15.62 Data protection
15.7 Police law
15.8 Church law
16.0 Fiscal law
16.1 Tax law
16.11 Income and property tax
16.12 Taxation procedure
16.13 Preliminary taxation
16.14 Inheritance and gift tax
16.15 Value added tax
16.16 Customs and other indirect taxes
16.17 Stamp tax and assets transfer tax
16.18 International tax law
16.2 Fiscal administration
17.0 EU law
17.1 EU General principles
17.11 EU decision making
17.12 EU courts
17.2 EU substantive law
17.21 EU competition law
17.22 EU internal market law
17.3 Co-operation between member states
17.31 Common foreign and security policy
17.32 Collaboration in legal and domestic affairs
18.0 Public international law
18.1 International law parties
18.2 International treaties
18.3 Human rights
18.4 Peace, war, security
18.5 Water, air, space
18.6 Peaceful reconciliation of
international conflicts
19.0 Law, other areas
19.1 Gender and law (prev. Feminist legal studies)
19.2 Medical law
19.3 Sports law
19.4 Media law
  China Law Center Collection (map, 4th floor)
