Welcome to Terkko's course page for Managing Scientific Information in Medicine and Health Sciences (1 ECTS).
It's organized together with Doctoral School of the University of Helsinki and tailored for participants in Doctoral programmes in Health Sciences
The course takes place in Zoom and in Moodle learning environment. Course language is English.
The course consists of webinar sessions, Moodle material and exercises.
- max 45 participants/course. The course will be organised if there are at minimum 10 enrolments.
Course performance: attending webinars and completing pre-tasks for webinar sessions.
Next course starting in January: MSI 2025 January-February
Course LIB-900 enrollment in Sisu-system: https://sisu.helsinki.fi/
Course materials in Moodle: https://moodle.helsinki.fi/course/view.php?id=68539
Course page in Studies-site: https://studies.helsinki.fi/courses/cur/otm-b2121751-b031-43d3-98d7-11a32f83b16f
If questions, please email: Tuija Korhonen tuija.korhonen (at) helsinki.fi
The course consists of four modules:
1. Introduction:
- presentation: the participants & course modules (overview)
- course environment
- Terkko Navigator (e-journals, e-books, databases, research visibility services etc.)
MSI 2025 January-February: Tuesday 21.1. at 9:30-11:00
2. Workshop in Information retrieval and current awareness
- Introduction to systematic search
- Information retrieval in own subject
MSI 2025 January-February: Tuesday 28.1. at 9:30-11:30
3. Open Science, Publishing and reference management
3.1 Bibliometrics, Open access, ORCID, TUHAT (1 hour 15min)
3.2 Zotero (1h 15min)
MSI 2025 January-February: Tuesday 4.2. at 9:30-12:00
4. Research data management,Thesis publishing
- Research Data management (1h15min)
- Thesis publishing (10min)
MSI 2025 January-February: Tuesday 11.2. at 9:30-11:00
Any questions about this course "Managing Scientific Information in Medicine and Health Sciences", please contact: Tuija Korhonen tuija.korhonen (at) helsinki.fi
Any questions about the Doctoral School of the University of Helsinki, please contact: uhds-office@helsinki.fi
Services for doctoral education: https://studies.helsinki.fi/instructions/article/services-doctoral-education
Remote Use
As a university student, you can access the e-material from outside the university network. On Terkko's website when clicking on the e-material will bring up a form for logging on. Fill in the form with your UH username and password.
Further information on Helpdesk's webpage:
Connections to UH network from outside the university.
Welcome to Terkko's course page for Managing Scientific Information in Medicine and Health Sciences (1 ECTS).
It's organized together with Doctoral School of the University of Helsinki and tailored for participants in Doctoral programmes in Health Sciences
The course takes place in Zoom and in Moodle learning environment. Course language is English.
The course consists of webinar sessions, Moodle material and exercises.
- max 45 participants/course. The course will be organised if there are at minimum 10 enrolments.
Course performance: attending webinars and completing pre-tasks for webinar sessions.
Next course starting in April: MSI 2025 April-May
Course LIB-900 enrollment in Sisu-system: https://sisu.helsinki.fi/
Course materials in Moodle: https://moodle.helsinki.fi/course/view.php?id=68543
Course page in Studies-site: https://studies.helsinki.fi/courses/cur/otm-8db59bcf-b2e4-401d-879e-8dc10e65f3fe
If questions, please email: Tuija Korhonen tuija.korhonen (at) helsinki.fi
The course consists of four modules:
1. Introduction:
- presentation: the participants & course modules (overview)
- course environment
- Terkko Navigator (e-journals, e-books, databases, research visibility services etc.)
MSI 2025 April-May: Thursday 24.4. at 9:30-11:00
2. Workshop in Information retrieval and current awareness
- Introduction to systematic search
- Information retrieval in own subject
MSI 2025 April-May: Tuesday 29.4. at 9:30-11:30
3. Open Science, Publishing and reference management
3.1 Bibliometrics, Open access, ORCID, TUHAT (1 hour 15min)
3.2 Zotero (1h 15min)
MSI 2025 April-May: Tuesday 6.5. at 9:30-12:00
4. Research data management,Thesis publishing
- Research Data management (1h15min)
- Thesis publishing (10min)
MSI 2025 April-May: Tuesday 13.5. at 9:30-11:00
Any questions about this course "Managing Scientific Information in Medicine and Health Sciences", please contact: Tuija Korhonen tuija.korhonen (at) helsinki.fi
Any questions about the Doctoral School of the University of Helsinki, please contact: uhds-office@helsinki.fi
Services for doctoral education: https://studies.helsinki.fi/instructions/article/services-doctoral-education
Remote Use
As a university student, you can access the e-material from outside the university network. On Terkko's website when clicking on the e-material will bring up a form for logging on. Fill in the form with your UH username and password.
Further information on Helpdesk's webpage:
Connections to UH network from outside the university.