Physics: Tools

Physics and physical sciences

Sharing data, presentations and other materials

Zenodo is an open dependable home for the long-tail of science, enabling researchers to share and preserve any research outputs in any size, any format and from any science.

GitHub is the world's leading software development platform commonly used for hosting and maintaining code development.


EndNote has been purchased for the use of staff and students on the UH computers. Staff may also use EndNote on their home computers. The installation media for the program can be found in the software distribution service in the UH software portal.


Zotero is a free of charge program for managing references that anyone can download eithers an add-on to the Mozilla Firefox browser or as a standalone version. More info at Zotero website.

Physical Sciences Citing Styles

In Refworks, use style editor to choose your favourite styles. You can find it in Tools → Output Style Manager (Refworks 2) or '" → Citation Style Editor (New Refworks).

When writing a thesis, choose a style that best fits your field. Here are some suggestions you can try:

atmospheric sciences
American Meteorological Society,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
astronomy Astrophysical Journal
materials science
Applied Physics Letters
theoretical physics Physical Review D

Copyright and Licensing

Author Identifiers

Remote Access

Electronic resources are available in the network of University of Helsinki or through remote access. Accessing the electronic resources from outside the library locations via a remote connection requires a University user account.

Writing and Sharing
