London, British Library, Add. 14451Curetonian (C)
f. 1v-38v : The Gospel of Matthew, entitled ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܕܡܦܪܫܐ ܡܬܝ. Chapters VIII.23 to X.31 appear to be more modern additions, while chapters XXIII.25 to the end are deficient.
f. 39r : Gospel of Mark, Chapter XVI.17-20.
f. 39r-52v : The Gospel of John, which is missing Chapters I.42-III.5; VII.38-XIV.10. XIV.12-15, XIV.19-21, XIV.23-26, and XIV.29 to the end.
f. 53r-88r : The Gospel of Luke, which is missing Chapters I.1-II.48, III.16-VII.33, and XV.22-XVII.23, with a more modern (Peshitta) recension from XXIV.44 to the end.
saec. V (450-470)