The Apostolic Fathers: The Letters of Ignatius

Editions and Translations: The Long Recension (LR)

Editions, Translations and Studies: The Middle Recension (MR)

Some Early Commentaries and Studies (Open access)

Ethiopic Fragments: The Long Recension (LR):

Arabic Manuscripts: The Middle Recension (MR)

Coptic Translation: The Middle Recension (a Fragment)

Syriac Manuscripts: The Short Recension (SR)

Greek Manuscripts: The Middle Recension (MR)

Greek Manuscripts: The Letter to the Romans (MR)

Greek Manuscripts: The Key Manuscripts of the Long Recension (LR)

Greek Manuscripts: The Secondary Manuscripts of the Long Recension (LR)

Latin Manuscripts: The Middle Recension (MR)

Latin Manuscripts: The Long Recension (LR)

Latin Manuscripts Copied from Editions: The Long Recension (LR)
