OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2016: Data management plan

Open Access Week 2016 is celebrated October 24-30 worldwide. Find events of Helsinki University Library.

Write a Data Management Plan

A data management plan (DMP) will help you manage your data, meet funder requirements and help others use your data if shared. The Helsinki University research data policy gives the guidelines to your DMP.

DMPTuuli is an online tool to help you write data management plans (University of Helsinki, Academy of  Finland, Horizon 2020, Tekes etc. guidances included). DMPTuuli Help

DMP commenting service

Photo by National Cancer Institute, NIH  

UH Data Support experts review Data Management Plans (DMP) on request. You can send your DMP to the Data Support team via email ( The reviewers may also need to access your research plan. All plans and documents sent to Data Support will be managed confidentially. The service is meant for researchers at the University of Helsinki.



or phone 02 941 23000 (number available only in September)

DMP guides & checklists

Funder requirements

SHERPA/JULIET (Database of research funders' OA and data archiving policies)

DMP Examples
